FOR A LONG TIME ALREADY, several essays have been written by me indicating that we are at the threshold of a new era. I have cited prophecies from all over the world, the organized religions and other esoteric works that refer to this time, given different names by different cultures. It is variously called the dawn of a new age of Aquarius, the transition to the fifth world; end of the age of iron, dawn of the golden age, the Kali yoga age, end time and so on. But the fundamental principle of doomsday remain the same, though details differ depending on the spiritual maturity, belief and cultural affiliation of the prophets and analysts.
Recent happenings all over the world serve to draw our attention to the fact that we are at the threshold of that time. There are "wars and rumors of wars". The Iran nuclear face off-a very serious rumor of war-will escalate and possibly result in mass war. It will be born of men's fears, precautions, and the "if you want peace prepare for war" syndrome. These fears mass in the beyond at what is best describes as power centers, which expand, increase and suffocate our psyches, thereby increasing the fears and apprehension of world war. As psychologists rightly know, we often experience what we are afraid of due to the law of attraction. Hence this may result in mass hysteria and finally possible war - the so called Armageddon war, or war of the anti Christ as it is sometimes called. Nostradamus already talked of the first and second Antichrist, and warned of the third codenamed Mabus, whose death will be linked to a war that will result in routing of man and beast. It will coincide with the time when the comet runs. Mabus will be the last of the three-pae-lon-ron- translated to Napoleon, and Hister, meaning Hitler were the first two.. The wars and rumors of war result from the fact that all ancient empires will resurface with different names. However, the rise and collapse of those empires will be phenomena and alarming. The number of empires that has risen and fallen since the end of the nineteenth century tend to lend credence to this assertion.
Apart from the issue of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes are ravaging the earth. Anyone who goes to the website of the united states geological survey will be shocked at the number of recorded earthquakes on a daily basis. Comparative studies of the earthquakes on earth in the last century shows a marked progressive increase. It is within this period that we have had the most devastating earthquake in recorded history. The word "Tsunami" became popular because of increase in powerful undersea earthquakes.
Apart from unavoidable deaths through earthquakes, destruction of properties put serious pressures on our insurance companies, which spread the risks to banks while construction companies smile to the banks. This also happens with incessant flooding of whole cities and countries as once happened in Thailand. Forecasters show that the year 2012 is going to be a year of unprecedented flood.
All these are the underlying reason for the current distress. It is like the hand of the Lord is gripping the earth in judgment. Mutual recriminations, accusations, and counter accusation sand trading of blames is now resulting in what manipulators regard as pro democracy protests over the dwindling standard of living occasioned by the harsh economic realities resulting from natural disasters war and rumors of wars and, of course, corporate greed. The pro democracy and occupation protests does not solve the problem as witnessed in Egypt, where those who pushed out Mubarak came themselves under fire from fellow demonstrators. Nobody realizes that these demonstrations result in loss of man hours allover the world, which further reduces productivity and engenders more distrust between the haves and have nots. This is followed by more pro democracy and occupy protests. This is a vicious cycle that will culminate in the final collapse of world economy. This will increase religious fundamentalism, with more suicide bombings in a bid to escape the biting situation, the great tribulation. What is false in all organized religions will collapse. Since the foundations of most of the organized religions are faulty, it will throw up a pathetic scenario of confusion, anger, hopelessness, despondency and bitterness against the heads of these organizations, until some of them recognize the justice of God in World events.
The beginning of the end will be by the coming comet prophesied by all major prophets, ancient and modern.
Today, the rays of the approaching comet is causing economic, political and natural crisis and confused wiseacres are covering their fears in the continued exposition of their ignorance by unfolding world events. Already fear is revealing itself in hatred even among those who should be knowing because we are at the last phase. The judgment of God is already taking place in the house of the Lord. There, even the last help from God is being dragged to the dust, thereby making it earthly, by the very ones who should be their custodians. Even here distrust reigns supreme, and leaders are turning tyrants as the inevitable outcome of distrust.
Now, the axe is laid beside the tree and any tree that does not bear good fruit swill be cut down and thrown in the fire. A satellite is now beamed on the house of the Lord and the separation between the sheep and the goat is going on spiritually and will soon be completed. Those who will be purified under intense suffering will stand firm like oasis in a barren desert when the Sun of righteousness will reduce the pharisees to stubble. Then mankind will be able to receive help from those who mediate the help through the star of promise.
The fig tree has shed its leaves. It is clear there is no more time, for soon winter will overtake us.
Uche Mbah, author, poet, journalist, an adherent of the work In The Light Of Truth The Grail Message hails from Nigeria. His discovery that the work by Abd-ru-shin answers all questions of life if you take time to examine it propels him to share his experiences with humanity. A graduate of English, from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he found out how all religions lead to the godhead if the original teachings of the founders are taken into account, and not the strange forms that such religious groups find themselves today. The bridge between Science and religion is bridged when we recognize the limitations of science, whose activities do not go beyond the material world, without recognizing that there is no difference between this world and the beyond.
Recent happenings all over the world serve to draw our attention to the fact that we are at the threshold of that time. There are "wars and rumors of wars". The Iran nuclear face off-a very serious rumor of war-will escalate and possibly result in mass war. It will be born of men's fears, precautions, and the "if you want peace prepare for war" syndrome. These fears mass in the beyond at what is best describes as power centers, which expand, increase and suffocate our psyches, thereby increasing the fears and apprehension of world war. As psychologists rightly know, we often experience what we are afraid of due to the law of attraction. Hence this may result in mass hysteria and finally possible war - the so called Armageddon war, or war of the anti Christ as it is sometimes called. Nostradamus already talked of the first and second Antichrist, and warned of the third codenamed Mabus, whose death will be linked to a war that will result in routing of man and beast. It will coincide with the time when the comet runs. Mabus will be the last of the three-pae-lon-ron- translated to Napoleon, and Hister, meaning Hitler were the first two.. The wars and rumors of war result from the fact that all ancient empires will resurface with different names. However, the rise and collapse of those empires will be phenomena and alarming. The number of empires that has risen and fallen since the end of the nineteenth century tend to lend credence to this assertion.
Apart from the issue of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes are ravaging the earth. Anyone who goes to the website of the united states geological survey will be shocked at the number of recorded earthquakes on a daily basis. Comparative studies of the earthquakes on earth in the last century shows a marked progressive increase. It is within this period that we have had the most devastating earthquake in recorded history. The word "Tsunami" became popular because of increase in powerful undersea earthquakes.
Apart from unavoidable deaths through earthquakes, destruction of properties put serious pressures on our insurance companies, which spread the risks to banks while construction companies smile to the banks. This also happens with incessant flooding of whole cities and countries as once happened in Thailand. Forecasters show that the year 2012 is going to be a year of unprecedented flood.
All these are the underlying reason for the current distress. It is like the hand of the Lord is gripping the earth in judgment. Mutual recriminations, accusations, and counter accusation sand trading of blames is now resulting in what manipulators regard as pro democracy protests over the dwindling standard of living occasioned by the harsh economic realities resulting from natural disasters war and rumors of wars and, of course, corporate greed. The pro democracy and occupation protests does not solve the problem as witnessed in Egypt, where those who pushed out Mubarak came themselves under fire from fellow demonstrators. Nobody realizes that these demonstrations result in loss of man hours allover the world, which further reduces productivity and engenders more distrust between the haves and have nots. This is followed by more pro democracy and occupy protests. This is a vicious cycle that will culminate in the final collapse of world economy. This will increase religious fundamentalism, with more suicide bombings in a bid to escape the biting situation, the great tribulation. What is false in all organized religions will collapse. Since the foundations of most of the organized religions are faulty, it will throw up a pathetic scenario of confusion, anger, hopelessness, despondency and bitterness against the heads of these organizations, until some of them recognize the justice of God in World events.
The beginning of the end will be by the coming comet prophesied by all major prophets, ancient and modern.
Today, the rays of the approaching comet is causing economic, political and natural crisis and confused wiseacres are covering their fears in the continued exposition of their ignorance by unfolding world events. Already fear is revealing itself in hatred even among those who should be knowing because we are at the last phase. The judgment of God is already taking place in the house of the Lord. There, even the last help from God is being dragged to the dust, thereby making it earthly, by the very ones who should be their custodians. Even here distrust reigns supreme, and leaders are turning tyrants as the inevitable outcome of distrust.
Now, the axe is laid beside the tree and any tree that does not bear good fruit swill be cut down and thrown in the fire. A satellite is now beamed on the house of the Lord and the separation between the sheep and the goat is going on spiritually and will soon be completed. Those who will be purified under intense suffering will stand firm like oasis in a barren desert when the Sun of righteousness will reduce the pharisees to stubble. Then mankind will be able to receive help from those who mediate the help through the star of promise.
The fig tree has shed its leaves. It is clear there is no more time, for soon winter will overtake us.
Uche Mbah, author, poet, journalist, an adherent of the work In The Light Of Truth The Grail Message hails from Nigeria. His discovery that the work by Abd-ru-shin answers all questions of life if you take time to examine it propels him to share his experiences with humanity. A graduate of English, from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he found out how all religions lead to the godhead if the original teachings of the founders are taken into account, and not the strange forms that such religious groups find themselves today. The bridge between Science and religion is bridged when we recognize the limitations of science, whose activities do not go beyond the material world, without recognizing that there is no difference between this world and the beyond.
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